How to Buy a Piano (Part 2)

A quick reminder that this series of articles is from my perspective and experience. There are many pianos made by numerous companies with many perspectives from qualified technicians. Your mileage may vary. Before we dive into the meat of selecting a piano, let me expound a bit upon the issue of character. There seems to be two major camps of […]

How to Buy a Piano

When I started writing this article I thought it might end up a bit lengthy.  As I often do, I asked my beautiful bride to look over my work and give her thoughts.  Her first words were, “How many installments is it going be?”  It appears this is the first in a series of  articles to appear over the next […]

Up on the Wire

Have you ever watched a high wire act with your heart in your throat? Inevitably the performer reaches a point where the wire starts to move ‘uncontrollably’ under his feet and all appears lost. At the last moment he gains control of his balance, finishes the walk, and waves to the crowd triumphantly. We started a newsletter in May and […]