Nothing (let that soak in), NOTHING, is more precious than your time. With increases in the speed of information, access to more information than most can digest, and a schedule that would have made Marcus Arillus melt, it is more important than ever to guard your time. We have finally made it to the twenty-first century but just by the skin of our teeth. If you will look at the menu on each window you should see Self-Scheduling. The hope is that you will use this to help save time but not waste a great deal of the precious commodity. There are some rules to follow below. Another of my famous attempts at avoiding confusion. (As it turns out, I mostly create more. But I digress.)
One last item. I do not apologize for attending classes, getting more education, or in general keeping up with the current research. The price of doing business in Colorado and the cost of McDonalds is skyrocketing. (Did I mention I love to eat?) My rates are higher than most but much less than some. If you are accustomed to paying $100 for a tuning, please call someone else. If you have trouble finding a technician, call us and I will put you in touch with one of the cheaper services. If you would like a professional job executed with professional concern for your instrument and want to support us, please make an appointment or call today.
P.S. I have used words like ‘should’ and ‘may’ as I am releasing this software into your hands. If you find a process that does not work, please let me know. Sometimes I can fix them and sometimes it is buried in code, but I cannot make either fixes or suggestions without knowing the issues.