“The history of Campbell Piano Shop follows a winding path through my youth.” So says J.Mark Campbell. In 1963 my piano career interrupted my baseball career. My parents described the advantages of playing the piano. So, after piano lessons one day, I decided to throw myself at music. (They were not going to give, and I was tired.) In the early 80s I studied with a member of the PTG and found I liked tuning pianos. Three years into building the business, I suspended it. We decided I should devote more time to raising our children. Campbell Piano Shop really got going when I grew weary of being hired for projects only to be let go when a project was delivered.
In the year 2000 I decided to move a new direction with Campbell Piano Service. Finding myself out of work as a software engineer for the fourth time in eight years, it was time to restart. Ten years later I had joined the PTG, passed the Registered Piano Technician tests, and renamed the business to Campbell Piano Shop. The labor of learning, rebuilding, studying, and gathering tools continues to this day.
It would take volumes filled with glowing reports of all the Piano Technicians that have influenced my work. Many would likely be surprised to find their name in lights. These are but a few highlight experiences that continue to shape my piano work:
The history of Campbell Piano Shop is a record of me embracing the challenges of wearing many hats. It is what makes my life interesting, and I love my work. Recently, the business has followed new paths leading to studios, concert halls, artists, and clients that fill me with joy. We can now offer se full rebuilds and much more.
Piano Technician, software engineer, woodworker, designer, these and a host of others are roles I love. I use this knowledge and experience to keep your piano playing and sounding its bestd