Want to control your time?

Nothing (let that soak in), NOTHING, is more precious than your time. With increases in the speed of information, access to more information than most can digest, and a schedule that would have made Marcus Arillus melt, it is more important than ever to guard your time. We have finally made it to the twenty-first century but just by the […]

Visit Some Stores!

I am more and more convinced that the real enjoyment of any skill is the result of many hours of practicing basic technique in detail. And what, pray tell, would this have to do with visiting stores? It is my belief that you will never reach your potential in any area without first considering the work that will be involved. […]

The Art of Practice (Part 2)

While this is a continuation of last month’s article, if you are looking for a number of new practice techniques you are likely to be disappointed. If you want some short cuts to good practice habits, better get a Facebook account. I just wanted to take a little time to encourage your to get serious, practice hard, and look for […]

The Art of Practice

I probably should just get this out of the way from the start. There is NO substitute for practice. No shortcuts, no quick methods, no magic wand. No “You can amaze your friends in just days by learning the piano.” It does not exist. If you choose to read on, you will not find an article about bypassing practice time. […]

A Shifty Character

“A Shift Character” likely raises a specter of juicy details of a deal gone sour. Maybe you said to yourself, “Finally, some real dirt to use!” I hate to be the proverbial stick in the mud, but this is an article about the shift pedal on a grand piano, its many uses, and how it should be maintained. On Saturday, […]

How to Buy a Piano (Part 4)

In the last article we said we would wrap this series with Part 4, and we will stop writing these articles with this edition. However, good piano research is a lifetime pursuit. It is difficult to know and understand the complicated business arrangements and backroom deals that have been made. Sometimes these transactions had an impact on the products produced. […]

How to Buy a Piano (Part 3)

In this issue of ‘How to Buy a Piano’ we describe some of the key design elements for which you should look when purchasing a piano. This will not be an exhaustive list. These elements provide here are clues as to the character and usability of an instrument. Before we begin it should be noted that these are my ideas. […]

How to Buy a Piano (Part 2)

A quick reminder that this series of articles is from my perspective and experience. There are many pianos made by numerous companies with many perspectives from qualified technicians. Your mileage may vary. Before we dive into the meat of selecting a piano, let me expound a bit upon the issue of character. There seems to be two major camps of […]

How to Buy a Piano

When I started writing this article I thought it might end up a bit lengthy.  As I often do, I asked my beautiful bride to look over my work and give her thoughts.  Her first words were, “How many installments is it going be?”  It appears this is the first in a series of  articles to appear over the next […]