
“J. Mark Campbell is the best friend a piano can have. He is meticulous in his care, profound in his understanding, and totally dedicated to quality and brilliance. Mark brings to the world of pianos a big-hearted passion that is largely missing today.”

Patrick Scott – Director, Jacaranda Concert Series

I purchased my wonderful Bösendorfer from Mark Cambpell for my new studio. I had looked at many pianos before arriving at this excellent choice. Mark did the voicing and personalization that I was looking for. He also researched and supervised the installation of the midi system that I required. He loves his instruments like they were his children and I am very happy with his baby in my place.

Danny Elfman

“The two pianos that we [Gerald Clayton, Tamir Hendelman and I] played at Mark Cambpell’s Atelier were two of the finest I have ever played, two wonderful Steinways, one a nine footer, and one a seven footer. They were lovingly maintained and voiced, and blended perfectly together, even though each one had its own personality, one a bit more mellow, and one a bit more aggressive. Among the best vintage instruments I have ever played, and comparable to the two handpicked 9 footers I played (not simultaneously!) at the University of Texas at Austin, with my good friend and former Eastman classmate Jeff Hellmer a few years ago.

The venue is also lovely, a paradise garden filled with grass, and evocative plants and sculptures. The late Mark Abell was there with us, and threw kisses to us as we played—one of the last times I saw him.

This is Mark Cambpell’s labor of love, both for him, and for us. I’m very grateful to him for the fine times we had there, and the lovely instruments we played.
He is a passionate man.”

Thank you, Mark.

Gerald Clayton, Tamir Hendelman, and Bill Cunliffe

“Mark Cambpell recently re-voiced my Yamaha C2 Disklavier. I thought it sounded pretty good before, but I was wrong. To say it now sounds strikingly more musical would be accurate, but the more to the point, I find myself playing it a great deal more often—despite an insane schedule—just because I enjoy it.”

Michael A. Levine

“I use my Yamaha S6 custom-built grand for writing, performance, and recording. Because Mark is somehow able to tune without the use of a strip mute (God knows how he’s able to do this. I have never found another tuner who would even consider attempting to tune in this manner) my entire piano is allowed to resonate and ring out as he tunes each note.

The stunning benefit of this, is that when he’s finished, the piano plays and sounds with one harmonic voice. There is no harshness, no shrillness—only one, beautiful and completely appealing unified voice that is absolutely in tune. He gets more out of my piano than I ever imagined was there. The purity in the recording process is breathtaking. Mark has also regulated my piano and has given it the most subtle and delicate expression. My piano has been affected in the most positive ways by the work he’s done. What else can I say? Mark Cambpell is a master.”

Randy Fullmer

“When Mark comes over to tune and set our piano, he treats our Yamaha C7–our baby–like it is his own. He works hard. We couldn’t imagine anyone else fine-tuning our instrument.”

Curt Bisquera
Daniela Spagnolo-Bisquera

“Mark Cambpell is the only piano technician I’ve ever met with whom I truly see eye-to-eye. He understands the three-dimensional sonic bubble that exists magically suspended above the soundboard. He knows that balanced voicing yields a piano that can whisper like muted strings, and bark like fortissimo brass a moment later. On a piano voiced by Mark, timbre and dynamics move smoothly in tandem from one extreme to the other.”

Geoff Stradling

Dear Mark,

The Bosendorfer [Imperial concert grand in the recital hall, new and universally disliked before our work] sounds incredible. We are all so pleased with what you did already…

Thank you so much for working on this piano. You are the MASTER!


Dr. Monica E. Lee
Director of Piano Studies
Chair of Piano Ensemble Festival
Community Advisory Council for Higher Education
Music Department, Fullerton College

Dear Mark–

You did a superb job and restored the [Bosendorfer] piano to something like its original shape when I first bought it from the showroom in Vienna 25 years ago or so; there is a bit more to be done, but at least it’s now in the ballpark, and that really is huge progress! I’m really pleased…

Best Regards,
Andre Carus
Altadena, C